
For security reasons, we must ban IP Address. This page allows you to set IP filter using three modes:

Do not use IP Filter - This means Easy File Sharing Web Server do not ban any IP Addresses.

Do not accept connections from specified IP addresses - When an IP is added into this filter list, the server's content will be blocked from any connection coming from that IP.

Accept connections only from specified IP addresses - The server accepts connections only from the IP Addresses that listed in this filter list.

To add IP Address to the corresponding filter list, simply click the 'Add...' button and a new window will pop up, input the IP Address on the new window and press 'OK' button.
You may also ban multiple IPs using ranges and wildcard characters, to ban all IPs that begin with 192.168, simply input 192.168.*.* on the new window.

To edit IP Address to the corresponding filter list, simply click the 'Edit...' button and a new window will pop up, edit the IP Address on the new window and press 'OK' button.

To remove a IP Address in this filter list, first select a IP Address you want to delete, then click the 'Remove' button.